Health Benefits

The powerful medicinal properties of Western Australian honey, particularly Jarrah and Redgum, have only recently begun to be understood. Our bioactive honeys are packed with anti-oxidants and can be used as a traditional* natural medicine to:

- keep germs at bay
- relieve sore throats
- act as a natural breath freshener
- reduce redness in skin
- sooth itchy insect bites
- clean small external ulcers, sores or skin infections
- ease aching joints
- relieve nausea especially morning sickness during pregnancy
- aid insomnia by slowly releasing glycogen & melatonin when taken before bed

In addition to the above, our honey can also be used to make natural beauty products which have been found to boost collagen and elastin production in skin, leading to Vogue dubbing jarrah honey a 'liquid gold'.

*please note that you should consult a qualified physician if you have any prolonged or recurring symptoms.